Wedding invitations have officially been sent out. Now that, that is out of the way I really need to get focused and start getting shit done for this wedding. I have never been the girl who has planned her wedding since she was 5. This really isn't my thing at all. It's very overwhelming and stressful. There is so much to be done still. We are getting married in Preston's Best Man's parents house in the backyard. Hopefully things will start falling into place soon. The main things that need to get done still are getting everyone in the party there outfits, finding and purchasing wedding rings, center pieces, bouquets all that mumbo jumbo that I wish I could just pay someone to take care of all of it but we just don't have the money and are having to do all of this stuff on our own. Thankfully I have girls who are crafty and can help me with the DIY stuff. Here are a couple of photos from our Save the Date photo shoot. Photo credit goes to my very good friend Allyson Boyd.
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I'm still practicing on the drums every once in a while. Surprisingly I didn't loose it and am able to jump right into the beat. I also got down the double on the kick drum. That was a good feeling. Now to try to learn how to do a triplet. As of right now, that seems impossible but that's also what I thought before I had the single down on the kick drum. Practice makes perfect I guess! Preston tried teaching me the first part of the Violent Femmes song "Blister in the Sun". Supposedly it's one of the easiest songs to learn how to play. Pssh, I call bull shit. I tried to get down the first 5 notes but it is extremely hard and you can't even tell I'm playing a real song cuz I'm playing it slower than slow. But it's still kind of fun.
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My work gets involved in this thing called Corporate Challenge. It's a 2 month long sports event kind of thing where companies from all over the valley participate. Every sport you can think of is most likely to be an event. From Flag Football, Track and Field, Archery, 3D Dodge ball, Shooting, Cart Racing, Kick Ball, Tug a War and many many more. We used to participate every year but when the economy took a shit we stopped for 3 years in a row due to lack of funds. This is the first year we got back into. I participated in Tug a War and Flag Football. Flag Football is usually the only event I like to do because back when we were doing this every year we won the Gold Medal 3 years in a row. This year we ended up only getting a Silver Medal so we were a little bummed but we all had a good time. We played 3 games in a row. Now it's coed so we have to have 4 girls on the field at all times and we only had 4 girls total so we were playing offense and defense back to back with only 10 minute breaks in between games. Now I do not exercise in the least bit and am a heavy smoker so by the third game my body was giving up on me. The next two days was hell. I was the sorest I think I have ever been. I really need to figure out someway of exercising. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures from football but here is a couple from Tug a War. We placed third.
What's new with your folks?!?
I knew a girl named Allison Bond in high school and I hated her. lol must be a different girl though. hopefully. haha
ReplyDeleteHaha I think you read wrong. My friend is Allyson Boyd not Allison Bond :)